Sunday, September 12, 2010


In my current class with this Technology in Education master’s program, I have had to do some reading on new technologies that may be used in the classroom. These technologies such as blogs, wikis, instant messaging and podcasting are said to help the students interact and collaborate with each other and the teacher concerning their discussions in class and their assignments. I agree that the students would and do participate more in their classrooms using these technologies. Our students love the use of technology. While collaborating and interacting through these technologies there really seems to be no socialization or face to face interaction taking place. Oh yea, the new interaction is now called outeraction. I am very concerned whether the use of technology is really a great thing or even making this generation smarter. Are we teaching the youngsters to survive and function on their own? If all the technical devices were not available all of a sudden, could our society survive? Just wondering.

1 comment:

  1. No. If all the technical devices just disappeared one day, we could not function. BTW, a pencil is a technical device. I assume you mean if the digital devices stopped working... I know we would survive, but it would be a very different world. We would have to develop completely different networks and ways of communicating non-digitally. ALSO - although it seems like people are becoming less social through digital means, some studies have shown that some people are also becoming more social. The quite and shy are often more open and social online.
