Sunday, September 12, 2010


In my current class with this Technology in Education master’s program, I have had to do some reading on new technologies that may be used in the classroom. These technologies such as blogs, wikis, instant messaging and podcasting are said to help the students interact and collaborate with each other and the teacher concerning their discussions in class and their assignments. I agree that the students would and do participate more in their classrooms using these technologies. Our students love the use of technology. While collaborating and interacting through these technologies there really seems to be no socialization or face to face interaction taking place. Oh yea, the new interaction is now called outeraction. I am very concerned whether the use of technology is really a great thing or even making this generation smarter. Are we teaching the youngsters to survive and function on their own? If all the technical devices were not available all of a sudden, could our society survive? Just wondering.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


     Just the name sounds like a booger, you know, like that monster from Japan or China called godzilla. When I completed the webpage that was assigned to me from this particular class that I am in, I would need to send it through a transport system called "FileZilla". The instructor discussed and explained this process in our last class meeting. I knew from the get-go it was going to be a problem for me, and it was. I called my instructor who guided me through the steps and I was hoping I would have caught on, but I'm questioning myself. Did anyone else have an issue with this or was it just me? There were so many rules to remember and follow. I pray I learned something. Can I do it again on my own? This is a good question. I really have no choice. I'll be doing it again. Thanks for all your help Dr. Ran.