Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Adventure

     I am working on a masters degree involving technology. I have been teaching 24 years and was exposed to computers after I started teaching. During my senior year in high school, electric typewriters were purchased for the school and I thought that was "advanced technology".
     I learned that I am a digital immigrant in my first class with this program. I've always been afraid of computers, feeling I didn't have the ability for this type of knowledge. Well...ll, What did I do but enroll in this masters program. Talk about jumping into the water. I seem to be learning a bit and looking forward to learning so much more.
    Now, in my second class I was assigned to design a web page. As my instructor explained the process, I begin to question whether I made the right decision jumping into this program. I worked with a couple of my classmates and between them and the manual our instructor provided for us, I managed to complete my web page. I think I have approximately 12 hours in this assignment. I have to send the web page to my instructor. This is another process. Talk about that experience coming up.
